5th Semester B.Tech and Dual Degree students of IIT Madras can apply. They should register for the 9-credit “URP” for each semester of their involvement in the YRF, if selected into the program. They will therefore earn 18 credits as part of the YRF, which will count towards the overall credit requirement of their degree. If their project is from their parent department, it will count towards the “professional” cateogry. If it is from another engineering department, it will count towards the “engineering” category, and so on.

The IITM YRF is a two-semester initiative, with an optional add-on summer.

Every Year end of March

We receive research projects across all branches of Engineering,Science and Humanities from the Professors. Even Students are welcomed to propose a project. View Projects from SSP Portal.

Students are encouraged to go through the projects list, and identify the ones they are interested in. After some background reading, they should seek appointments with the corresponding faculty and discuss the details with them, and clarify any doubts. The application form requires two important statements by the student. One is an articulation of the problem statement, in own words, based on the discussion and reading. Second, unique qualifications of the applicant, that will ensure success of the project, should be highlighted. The link to the application form can be found on the top menu.

Yes, we encourage students to propose projects. It should be a full-fledged proposal containing all elements including the objectives, prior literature, methodology, deliverables and time-lines. Furthermore, the student will have to identify a faculty guide from IITM. We will help to some extent with this, if required.

Yes, absolutely. In the fifth semester of their program, though!

The application form with all the details submitted by students will be the basis of short listing, and the final selection will be based on an interview with a committee of professors and other experts.

There are no specific academic prerequisites for the YRF. Individual projects may have a prerequisite requirement in the form of course work etc.

In the selection interview, a panel of professors and domain experts will talk to the applicants. The applicants should have preliminary knowledge about the project, and articulate the objectives of their chosen project, clearly, in their own words. The interview will involve a few technical questions and will also aim to determine “fit”.

Selected students will register for the 9-credit course “URP”. The requirement is of at least 9 hours of work per week on IITM YRF activities. Interactions with the faculty guide and the research group, and attendance of YRF classroom lectures/seminars is compulsory.

All IITM YRF awardees will have to attend a class (one per week; ~2hours) on various aspects related to research. The detailed schedule and curriculum will be communicated at the beginning of the semester. This is in addition to the research work schedule that will be decided between the student and the faculty guide, as per the particular requirements of the project.

Yes, and letter grades will be awarded at the end of each semester. There is an in-semester component plus a final project presentation. The in-semester part will be evaluated by course instructors, and the final project presentation by a team of external/internal examiners including the guide, course instructors, and mentors. Evaluation will be done in a very involved manner, with a very high bar.

They are many! First and foremost is the opportunity to have an immersive experience in the world-class research environment in the institute. Thus, students get to contribute to advancement of research, and to make the world a better place, very early in their careers. The selected candidates will receive a monthly stipend of Rs. 5000-8000/- during the semester, and be eligible for a generous travel grant for attending conferences, presenting papers, or undergoing any specialized training. Finally, the YRF will have a matched mentor from the IITM Alumni Batch of 1979, who will advice students on various aspects of their work and career choices.

If the faculty guide and the student mutually consent to it, why not?

The program is best suited for undergraduate students who are deeply interested in the subject, and are willing to work very hard. High levels of motivation and a positive can-do attitude is key. Research is, as the popular quote goes, 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. Both are character-building, however, and the journey itself can be extremely rewarding and fun despite the efforts involved.

No. You can execute a research project of your interest in any academic department or center of excellence at IITM. However, you should discuss with the faculty guide to get a clear idea of what is involved and whether you fit the requirements of the project.

Count varies every year best candidates with research oriented mindset are selected for YRF Program.

Every December